November can be grey, cold and damp, although this year we have been blessed with a sunny, mild one.  At times it seems as though getting out in the garden is the last thing we want to do – and what is there to do at this time of year?  Nothings growing after all – right?


Wrong, I’m afraid!  There is as much to do now in the garden as in June – and the more you do now, the easier June will be 🙂  So, here is a short list of some of the things that should be getting done in November.

Digging.  This one won’t need much explaining.  Get that ground dug now, leave it rough dug,  the frost will break up the soil for you and it will give you a head start on the Spring.

Manuring.  Now is by far the best time to dig in any muck or seaweed you are putting on your land.  This will give it the winter to work it’s way into the soil and be ready for seed sowing in Spring.

Soil testing.  Now, while you aren’t desperately waiting to plant your garden, is a good time to get a soil test done.  You can buy a test kit and do it yourself, or you can get a test done professionally.  Either way – get that soil tested and you can work on putting right any problems.

Pruning.   Fruit trees can bushes can be pruned now, and if you give them a winter treatment of some sort now is the time to do it.

Drain hosepipes and coil them up in the shed to prevent them freezing and splitting.

Have a bonfire.  All the accumulated garden rubbish that won’t compost can be burnt – and a bonfire cheers up a grey winter garden no end.

Rake up leaves and make leaf mould compost.  Put the raked up leaves in black bin sacks, pierce the bags to allow some air in, and stack somewhere out of the way.  Leaf mould is wonderful for seed starting.

Scrub out pots, seed trays and bamboo canes etc.  And stack them ready for next spring.

Look after perennials.  If you haven’t already done it, plants like rhubarb need a covering of straw, artichokes will need support and covering while the Jerusalem variety need cutting back.  Many perennials will benefit from a mulch of rotted muck or compost at this time of year.

Make provision for the wildlife in your garden.  It is a little late, but this time of year makes us think about it.  Have hedgehogs got somewhere safe to hibernate?  Do you have insect houses?  Bird feeders?

This is a win win time.  You are getting a head start on next season,  and you are getting out there in the garden.  This is actually a time of year when you can really enjoy the garden as there is no rush.  Spring and summer tend to be a little hectic with making sure things are planted on time, keeping on top of the weeds, endless watering, more planting etc etc.  But now you can just gently get on with doing the jobs that need doing and enjoy them.  And the best bit is that you have made the most of those daylight hours to get out  in the fresh air while you can.

What jobs are you doing in the garden?